About Us
IMANI AID is a 501 (3) (c) non-profit organization. We are one hundred percent managed by volunteers with no paid staff. Our income / revenue come from our members via tax deductible donations.
IMANI Aid’s Mission
IMANI Aid’s mission is to provide charitable resources, assistance, services, and support to needy and underprivileged Muslims in the greater Indianapolis area.
IMANI Aid Accomplishes its mission by:
Bringing immediate relief to the poorest Muslims in the Indianapolis area, in the form of monetary, material, or in-kind assistance.
Serving as a trusted Zakat and Sadaqat distributor for our Muslim donors.
Serving as a trusted charity option for donors through financial transparency and strict standards of efficiency and accountability.
Supporting community based initiatives.
Imani Aid conducted it’s first fund raising dinner in August, 2010, after which our primary source of funds has been individual donations and food sales by a dedicated group of volunteers, Alhumdulillah.
IMANI Aid has worked collaboratively with MAI, Masjid Al Huda, Masjid Al Fajr, Masjid Al Taqwa, and Masjid Al Mumineen to try and help those in need and also to ensure that we are not duplicating our efforts thereby distributing funds fairly and equitably to those in need with the Help and Guidance of Allah(SWT).
Our Zakat Recipients
Potential recipients are required to complete an application form and submit ID and proof of income. Phone or face-to-face interview will be conducted to confirm the eligibility.
IMANI AID does not distribute cash. We limit assistance to rent, utility bills, emergency vehicle repair. Please check Aid Seekers page for details.